HSE Compliant Workplace First Aid Kit

£29.99 inc VAT

High Peak First Aid assembles first aid kits to meet your requirements.

This Deluxe Workplace First Aid Kit is designed to exceed the HSE guidelines and is suitable for a business for up to 10 employees. This kit includes essential items such as safety pins, triangular bandages, eye pads, sterile dressings of multiple sizes, nitrile disposable gloves, saline cleansing wipes, plasters, and a guidance leaflet on first aid. These components ensure readiness for potential injuries, prioritising workplace safety for low to medium risk environments.

The clear compartments make it easy to see what the kit contains and keeps each item in its place.




  • Safety Pins x 1 pack of 6
  • Triangular Bandages x 4 cotton with a stitched hem
  • Eye Pad Sterile Dressings x 2 with bandage attachment
  • Medium Sterile Dressings x 6
  • Traumafix major bleed dressing x 1
  • Nitrile Disposable Gloves x 3 packs
  • Saline Cleansing Wipes x 6
  • Clinell Hand wipes x 3
  • Washproof Plasters x 2 packs of 20
  • A Guidance Leaflet on first aid
  • Burn dressing 10cm x 10cm x 1
  • Shears x 1


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