first aid courses

Free Splint!

If you are a returning client you are eligible for this free splint.  However, if you refer a friend and they quote your name on their registration form we will post this item out to you free of charge.  This does not apply to group discounts.  This offer is open until 31st December 2015.

Spring Update

We have been extremely busy this winter/spring training in the UK, Nepal and Prague.  We have employed another Tutor, however we still have availability for other Tutors to join our  team. Potential Tutors need to hold a professional qualification in a subject relevant to the courses we provide.  So, HCPC Paramedic, Doctor, Consultant, Rescue Team Medic to name a few.  They also need to have relevant experience in the outdoors for the subject area they wish to teach in and a teaching qualification.  Applicants are invited for interview and successful applicants also go through our Tutor training programme.

Our waterproof books are now for sale and we also have great value Duke of Edinburgh Award first aid kits which include burn dressings to comply with the guidelines.  We also sell first aid kits for Mountain Leaders, Expedition Leaders, Canoeists and Cave Leaders.  You will be able to find these all on our new website which is due soon.  Course members can currently buy discounted first aid supplies on our courses.

We have increased availability on our Wilderness First Aid Expedition Leader courses due to demand. These courses will be running every month throughout the year.


Summer Update!

We hope everyone has had a great summer. We have been busy and now have another member of staff and glad that we have a new office separate from the training facility. The office is on the same site as our two classrooms so it is convenient to pick up your certificate, pay for courses and first aid supplies. We are all looking forward to September as our new manual is due out, the online manual is having a major overhaul and our first aid supplies catalogue will be ready with over 1,000 items for sale.

Happy New Year from the UK and Nepal!


We hope you had a great Christmas and New Year! We would like to thank all our clients for the last 16 years.  Without your help we wouldn’t be where we are.  Once again this UK Winter, our High Peak Wilderness First Aid Training is divided between the UK and Nepal.  Courses are running in both countries – we have a receptionist, Sarah,  in the UK to take your call and Sandie our Office Manager is co-ordinating bookings.  I am co-ordinating our Nepali bookings this season and running our wilderness first aid courses. I will update our site with photos shortly.  We have a great mix of Nepali and International guides in a fantastic locations.

2012 has seen another increase in our level of business and we have been planning over the last 12 months for a great 2013 which we look forward to sharing with you!